It has been two weeks since I was actually in a boat, that you can paddle. It was a group paddle out of Deep Cove, on a beautiful partly sunny day. It was a well organized paddle and thanks goes to Jeff of SurfSkiBC for setting it up.
It was a good turn out with eight paddlers taking part. There was Jeff in a Fenn XT, Katja in a Think Legend, John in his Fenn Millinium, Ben in a Fenn 6, Tom in a Westside X-Par missle, Gary in a Think EVO, Caroline in her Huki SX-1, and myself in a Think EVO.
We had a brief discussion on which course we were going to do, and the north or old marathon course was picked. this would take us out of the cove going, of course north, to the power stations and back. So off we went, at a nice easy pace. The pace was perfect for practising technique, and since I had missed the previous days' Technique Class, this is what I needed.
As I was paddling along, I heard a boat motor coming from behind. I turned and saw Tom riding the stern wash of a big sail boat that was going up the arm. So I jumped over and rode the side wash for a little while. Then I dropped off the waves and let it go for a short distance, and then hammered along the side wash back up to the boat. It was a good drill, but very tiring. By this time Ben and John were up in the distance ahead. We managed to get spread out a bit, but every once in a while the leaders would stop and we would regroup.
As we were coming to the point where we turn to cross the arm to head over to the power stations on the east side of the arm, I saw a familiar face coming towards us. It turned out to be Bern coming back from paddling to the end of the arm and back. This was a long paddle of about X kilometers.
We all stopped and grouped up to cross the arm together. Caroline had cut the corner, and was at the north power station waiting for us to cross. As we headed south along the east side of the arm back to the cove, we were four across, and cruising at a nice pace. I could see Tom off to our right closer to the middle of the arm, and Gary and Caroline bringing up the rear. As we came to Twin Islands, the front group stopped for a quick rest and then we were all off in different directions.
Jeff and Katja headed towards Bedwell Bay, John and Ben headed towards Raccoon, and Tom and myself waited for Gary and Caroline to catch up. Tom and I discussed which way to go, and I said I was just going to head straight to the cove from here. Once Gary and Caroline had caught up, off we went in a group of four. Once we had passed Raccoon, I could not see which way Ben and John went. It turned out that they went towards Jugg. As we headed towards the cove, our group split in two, with Tom and Caroline going down the middle, and Gary and myself heading over to the west side of the arm.
At this point I was starting to get fairly bagged, but I looked over and Gary was going strong, so I sucked it up, and kept up the pace. It wasn't until we got inside the cove did Gary say I needed to take it easy on him. The whole time I thought Gary was driving the pace. Oh Well.
Since I did not know when I was going to get out actually paddle with a group, I decided to crank up the pace, just for fun. At first it was 10 kph, then I upped it to 11kph, and then I had some left in the tank, and pushed it pass 12 kph. It was a good hard push at the end of a great paddle. Hopefully I will start feeling a little better, for the next paddle. hopefully next weekend in the Thunder. So the paddle ended up being 18+ kilometers in two hours.