Training when you can was today's theme. I had arranged an open hour today. So after doing not much in the way of training this long weekend, I decided to run today. I went running out on the country roads in Delta. It is amazing that 5 minutes from Vancouver you can be running out in farm land.
There was nothing on the road except the occasional car, tractor, dogs, and a cow. It was raining but the temperature had gone up so much since lat week, that I was running in shorts and a thin long sleeve shirt. The shirt was my neon orange one that can be seen for miles. A safety and tech shirt all in one.
As I was running along a section of farm land, I heard a voice from over the fence. “looks like your getting wet” said a lady from one of the farms. I said hello, and that it sure beat the heat. It was perfect running weather. The last time I had done this run, it was blazing hot and sunny. This was much better.
After about 20 minutes I had reached River road. River road is a major truck route, but today being a holiday there was next to no traffic. I ran along River road until I got to Deas Island park, where I ran into the park, and took the dike path along the east side of the slew.
There were signs saying private farm land, but I had seen people walking along the dike from the other end, so it must go through, right? Wrong. I had ran about 3/4s the way, when I came across a chain link fence with barbed wire on top. There was a small section where the barbed wire was pulled away, and since I did not want to go back, up and over I went.
This section will be now known as the bunny hop section. Every two meters a rabbit would run right across the path in front of me. I lost count after a while. No wonder the coyotes are fat and happy in Delta.
Finished the run with a 5 minute cool down walk and some stretching. All in all, a good run.
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