I am a late forties kayak racer. My goal is to compete at the World Masters Games in Turin, Italy in 2013. I will be racing in ICF sprint kayaks. This blog will be my training diary for the next 4 yrs. I use a variety of running, weights, and cross training to hopefully become a better kayaker.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Technique Video

This is one of the best videos for technique that I have seen.


Anonymous said...

thats an excellent piece of video, thanks for posting it.


rainbow said...

Not that I necessarily want Tim Brabants to paddle faster...and increase his chances of challenging Adam for Olympic Gold...but I wonder how much faster his boat would move if he could rid it of the bouncing...would seem that something he is doing is putting energy into driving the bow up/down, energy/power that could perhaps be used to propel the boat forward...somehow.
Tim certainly does seem to have a unique stroke, with a very straight top arm...it works extremely well for him! Probably not the ideal stroke to imitate if doing lots of longer distance racing, that high top arm is likely great at applying big power over a short period of time, but I'd expect it to have drawbacks over long distances...would be interested in thoughts on this by some of the experts out there.