Well it has been a week since I started using the POWERbreathe. During the week I have been doing some testing with the flow meter. So far I have not measured any difference in my output.
This weekends practice proved differently. During my paddle workout, I noticed that I was not struggling as much with my breathing during the power ups I was doing during wash riding exercises. It was very noticeable for me. As well, I have made a jump in the level I am using with the POWERbreathe. I am now at level one and going up a half level tomorrow.
I am looking forward to this weeks testing to see if I did it correctly, after feeling a noticeable difference in the boat.
I am a late forties kayak racer. My goal is to compete at the World Masters Games in Turin, Italy in 2013. I will be racing in ICF sprint kayaks. This blog will be my training diary for the next 4 yrs. I use a variety of running, weights, and cross training to hopefully become a better kayaker.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Master Technique Class
Today's practice was a bit of a disappointment for me. I was really sore from Friday's workout. So not being able to move very well, is not good for technique. So I tried to just go back to the basics for todays paddle on the suggestion of my coach. She really knows her stuff, and could tell today's session was not going to be too productive.
So I just concentrated on keeping my top hand going at eye level and straight across and not dropping. It was a gorgeous day. Sunny and warm, with no wind. It made for a nice paddle of over 10 kms. I kind of lost count of how many laps I completed. I was doing an ok pace and was catching the paddlers in front of me. I caught one paddler, she was going at a good pace, so I stayed with her for a while.
Then I decided to practice so wash riding. So I rode the wash on the right side, and then drop back a few meters and power up on the opposite side, and ride the wash on the left side. I practices this for a couple of minutes. Then I dropped back to chat with Gary and another paddler. Now it was getting a little chilly, so I decided to head in to the dock. As I was going in, I started to do some balance work. It was four stroke with my eyes open and four strokes with my eyes closed. Towards the end near the dock I had to watch out because there is a cable that goes underwater. I have been caught by it before, and got hung up on it. It was a little freaky, but I managed to stay up, and back up off the cable. So I made sure I went wide of it this time.
Another issue I had today was that I was using my Epic large blade for this practice. It wasn't the fact that the large blades are hard to pull, it is that I have shorten the length by quite a bit, and had not changed my tape positions. So I was continuously moving my hands around, trying to find the right spot. Other than the “issues”I was having, it was a nice paddle. Since I don't get on the water as much as I want to these days, all the paddles I get are good ones.
So I just concentrated on keeping my top hand going at eye level and straight across and not dropping. It was a gorgeous day. Sunny and warm, with no wind. It made for a nice paddle of over 10 kms. I kind of lost count of how many laps I completed. I was doing an ok pace and was catching the paddlers in front of me. I caught one paddler, she was going at a good pace, so I stayed with her for a while.
Then I decided to practice so wash riding. So I rode the wash on the right side, and then drop back a few meters and power up on the opposite side, and ride the wash on the left side. I practices this for a couple of minutes. Then I dropped back to chat with Gary and another paddler. Now it was getting a little chilly, so I decided to head in to the dock. As I was going in, I started to do some balance work. It was four stroke with my eyes open and four strokes with my eyes closed. Towards the end near the dock I had to watch out because there is a cable that goes underwater. I have been caught by it before, and got hung up on it. It was a little freaky, but I managed to stay up, and back up off the cable. So I made sure I went wide of it this time.
Another issue I had today was that I was using my Epic large blade for this practice. It wasn't the fact that the large blades are hard to pull, it is that I have shorten the length by quite a bit, and had not changed my tape positions. So I was continuously moving my hands around, trying to find the right spot. Other than the “issues”I was having, it was a nice paddle. Since I don't get on the water as much as I want to these days, all the paddles I get are good ones.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
P90X Phase Two - Day Fifty Two

This turned out to be my best Ab Ripper X workout yet. I am still struggling with the heels to the sky exercise. With my hamstrings being as tight as they are, I can't get my legs straight, so I have to do the exercise with them bent.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
P90X Phase Two - Day Fifty One

Another good round of Plyometrics. I really liked today's workout, I really pushed most of the exercises. There seems to be one exercise per set that is a real killer for me. Rock Stars, Hot Foot, Etc.are the ones I really have to push it, because I find them quite hard.
As I am doing the workout, I keep thinking I am going to die, but I keep pushing myself, and at the end, I think that wasn't so bad. Ha ha ya right. I I may bitch and whine about some of the exercises, but I love it. It is makes you want to work hard. It is like when you are doing a training session in the K1 or Surf ski, and you just dog it. This is like having your coach right next to you pushing you to work.
Fitness Town P90X Sale

News & Events | P90X is now available
P90X (as seen on the official P90X website) is a revolutionary system of 12 sweat-inducing, muscle-pumping workouts, designed to transform your body from regular to ripped in just 90 days. You'll also receive a comprehensive 3-phase nutrition plan, specially designed supplement options, a detailed fitness guide, a calendar to track your progress, online peer support, and much more. Your personal trainer, Tony Horton, will keep you engaged every step of the way, and you won't believe your results!
P90X complete fitness package
Why is P90X so effective?

The secret behind the P90X system is an advanced training technique called "Muscle Confusion," which accelerates the results process by constantly introducing new moves and routines so your body never plateaus, and you never get bored! Whether you want to get lean, bulk up, or just plain get ripped, there's an endless variety of ways to mix and match the routines to keep you motivated the full 90 days and beyond!
How does P90X work?
Tony Horton showing sitting curl
Two words: Muscle Confusion. By providing an extensive variety of different moves that take time to master, P90X is continually challenging the body's muscles into new growth. The more you confuse the muscle, the harder your body has to work to keep up; the more variety you put into your workout, the better and faster your results will be.
The flaw with many fitness products is that they all lead to a "plateau" where the body becomes accustomed to the routines, resulting in diminished effectiveness. P90X avoids this plateau effect by switching things up to keep the body guessing for the entire 90 days. Which means IT NEVER GETS EASY. By breaking old routines and opening new doors, secondary and tertiary muscles are constantly being activated and developed.
What can you expect?

Drea showing abs
You can expect to develop skills, coordination, and flexibility you never dreamed possible. You can expect to sharpen your knowledge of smart eating and discover healthy diet choices. And you can expect to sweat. A lot.
So, what are you waiting for? Join the extreme fitness revolution today!
The complete P90X system includes:
The Power 90X Exercise Program on DVD is a revolutionary system of 12 sweat inducing, muscle pumping workouts designed to transform your body from regular to ripped in just 90 days.
- 12 Extreme Training Routines (On Disk) with Introduction DVD
- Fitness Guide
- Workout Calendar
- Nutrition Plan Book
Discs Include:
- 1. Chest & Back
- 2. Plyometrics
- 3. Shoulders & Arms
- 4. Yoga X
- 5. Legs & Back
- 6. Kenpo X
- 7. X Stretch
- 8. Core Synergistics
- 9. Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
- 10. Back & Biceps
- 11. Cardio X
- 12. Ab Ripper X
- Plus the "How to Bring it" Instructional DVD
Each DVD is designed with a specific fitness objective, with guides to help get you started The programme also includes a 3-Phase Nutrition Plan designed to help you lose fat while maintaining high energy levels.
The Fitness Guide is packed with valuable fitness information to help you get the most out of your program. You'll also get a fitness calendar which allows you to set your workout goals, track your progress and stay motivated.
Price on-line: $119.99 plus $20.00 S&H = $139.99
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Price in other stores: $109 and up...
Price at Fitness Town is only $98.00!CDN
Pickup your copy today at any of our Fitness Town locations
Monday, November 17, 2008
P90X Phase Two - Day Fifty

Back to Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. Today's workout was ok, not too hard. and not too easy. I push it where I could and maintained last weeks effort when I could not.The one arm push ups are still hard being in the middle of the workout. I am still doing them on my knees, but I am going fairly low to the ground.

After Chest, Shoulders and Triceps it was straight into Ab Ripper X. It was my best performance yet doing it. There was only two exercises out of eleven that I could not keep up, but I would still finish it, just not at the speed of the group.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Product Testing: POWERbreathe

The POWERbreathe is used by Triathletes, Swimmers, Rowers, Bicycle Racers, Runners, etc., and the list goes on.
Check out the web site: www.powerbreathe.com.
As well as being a sports training device, it is also a medical device for people with Asthma, COPD, Bronchitis, etc, and is listed as a Class 1 medical device.
How It Works
“POWERbreathe will make your breathing muscles stronger, reducing breathlessness during exercise or activity. POWERbreathe uses a technique known as resistance training. This strengthens the breathing muscles by making them work harder, in much the same way as you might using weights to increase the strength of your arm muscles."
“When training with POWERbreathe, you notice that you have to work harder to breathe in. This is the effect of resistance training acting on the muscles used to inhale – primarily the diapharm and rib cage muscles. When breathing out, there is no resistance and you can breathe out normally, allowing the chest and breathing muscles to relax, naturally pushing the air form your lungs.”
When I saw the product and decided to test it, I knew I needed a “baseline” to go from to check the results that I would be measuring during the testing. So I went out and bought a personal flow meter from the drug store. After reading how to correctly measure my breath, I tested myself for a week before starting with the POWERbreathe. My baseline is an average level of 560 LPM, (litres per minute) and will be measuring this once a day to check my progress.
Twice a day I will be using the POWERbreathe, once in the morning and once in the evening, with a total of 30 breaths in each set. As it gets easier to do the 30 breaths, I will increase the resistance. This week I started at the lowest setting of 0, and it was tough to get through, but I managed and by the end of the week I was ready to go up a level.
I would like to thank Robert Remington and the rest of the people at Remington Medical for the demo unit and all the help I have received.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
P90X Phase Two - Day Forty Five

It was a good workout, and I almost can do the Rock Stars using my arms. Being such an uncoordinated spaz makes this exercise a little tough some days. The only problem with todays workout was I think I pulled one of the muscles in my right leg. It is very sore now.Hopefully it is not serious and it will go away / heal quickly.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
P90X Phase Two - Day Forty Four

Missed yesterdays workout, so I did it today. It was Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps. I managed to make some minor improvements from the last time. On some of the exercises, I could push it pasty where I was before, but on some I could just do what I had done last time.

Then it was straight into Ab Ripper X. It is still hard on my lower back but I push it where I can, and ease off where I can't. Eventually I will be able to go the full distance with this workout, it is just going to take time.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
P90X Phase Two - Day Forty Two

Today was as usual, a make up day. I have missed both Yoga X on Thursday and Kenpo on Saturday do to scheduling conflicts. So I decided to go for Yoga X as the workout I made up.
I really went for it all the way up to Warrior Three. With each move I would really push myself to go farther than before. Once I got to Warrior Three things started to get too tough. I had to drop my back leg to the ground to do the moves, but I still pushed the exercise as much as I could.I would twist as far as I could on the Half Moons, and with each breath go a little more.
It was a very good session, and I am glad I did it. One of the main things in the boat is balance, and Yoga really works you over in that department. I highly recommend it to improve your balance, flexibility, strength, and endurance.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Ab Ripper X

My third round of Ab Ripper X was the best so far. I some what managed to keep up. Now I have to work on keeping my legs straight. The hardest one are the two where you raise your legs straight up in the air. It really starts to hurt my lower back, so I roll up a towel to support my back. It seems to work.
P90X Phase Two - Day Forty
Thursday, November 6, 2008
P90x Phase Two - Day Thirty Nine
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Sun Run Training Run #1
Today was my first Vancouver Sun Run training run. It was just an easy 6 km jog just to shake out the cobwebs known as my running.
The entire workout was only 41 minutes long, which consisted of:
5 minute warm up
15 minute jog
1 minute walk break
15 minute jog
5 minute cool down.
During the jog, I concentrated on technique, landing on my forefoot, and springing off with each stride. I kept the stride itself to a short distance, but kept the turn over at a medium pace. Also I focused on driving my elbows back, and keeping my arm bent at less than 90 degrees. (hands closer to my feet) This helps in keeping my shoulders from shrugging while I am running.
It was a good workout, after having not ran in so many months.
The entire workout was only 41 minutes long, which consisted of:
5 minute warm up
15 minute jog
1 minute walk break
15 minute jog
5 minute cool down.
During the jog, I concentrated on technique, landing on my forefoot, and springing off with each stride. I kept the stride itself to a short distance, but kept the turn over at a medium pace. Also I focused on driving my elbows back, and keeping my arm bent at less than 90 degrees. (hands closer to my feet) This helps in keeping my shoulders from shrugging while I am running.
It was a good workout, after having not ran in so many months.
P90X Phase Two - Day Thirty Eight

This mornings workout was Back & Biceps. This was another of the workout that does not have repeats in it. So it was hard to determine the amount of weights I should use for each exercise. So I erred on the side of caution and backed it down a bit. Starting with lighter weights until I could figure the exercise out.
I marked down in my log book if the weight was easy, medium, or hard. So the next time, I can "bring it". This week repeats for the next three weeks, so I will be doing this each week. Trying to best the previous weeks high score, so to speak.
I must admit, this program even though it is tough,(or as tough as you want to make it) is a lot of fun.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
P90X Phase Two - Day Thirty Seven

It has only been 6 hours since the last workout, and here I am doing Plyometrics this morning.
I was really bagged this morning, but I managed to keep up with everything except the single leg hopping. I still have difficulty in doing the criss - cross. So I just hop up and down instead.
By the time I was finish I was drained. It felt good, but I am going to be knackered for the rest of the day.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Ab Ripper X

I did a round of Ab Ripper X. I don't do these workouts too often. I know I should but for me these are really difficult, and I don't really like it. It is totally wrong attitude, and I need to change that fast.
By the time I was finished this workout, I was shaking, and completely soaked from sweat. I glad I made it through it. I will use this session as my motivation for the next Ab Ripper X.
P90X Phase Two - Day Thirty Six

Today is the first day of the second phase. I am one third of the way through the first round. It is kind of a milestone in my journey for better fitness, and being able to go faster in the boat.
I thought that Shoulders and Arms was a good workout. It was nothing compared to Chest, Shoulders and Arms. This workout is great. For the first time through this workout, I took it easy on the weight. Good thing. Even with the lighter weights I was struggling with the last three reps. The slow motion push up were specially hard. Going down for a count of four, and back up to a count of four, and it seems Tony counts way too slow. The one arm push ups I had to do it on my knees, there was no way I was going to able to do it with straight legs at that point.
My personal favourite exercise in this workout was the pike presses. It is a kind of do or die exercise. If you fail part way, you are going to do a face plant guaranteed.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
P90X Phase One - Day Thirty Five

This session of Yoga was a hard one. I was doing ok with the moves all the way up to Reverse Warrior, and then things went south. I was really struggling with Warrior Three. I had to drop one one knee more than once on each side.
The balance moves were good, but anything that required me to keep my leg straight wasn't going too well. My Hamstring are not very flexible at this time. This is an area I really need to work on, if I am going to improve at this.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Masters Technique Session
Today was a Masters Technique class at Burnaby Lake. I have missed the last three or four sessions.Since that time the ranks have swollen to over 12 paddlers. There was around 13 or 14 K1s out on the lake today. It was a prefect day for paddling, no rain, no wind, and it was actually warm out. I had to strip down to one long sleeve shirt after one lap of the lake.
I got to the lake early so I could set up my Thunder and get a good warm up and stretch. I did a short dryland warm-up of running in place, with high knees and wide stance, much the same as in P90X. Then I did all my stretches, especially working on the my legs, or so I thought.
There were so many boats that there was a line up to get out on the water. Once on my way down the lake, I realized that I did not in fact stretch my Hamstrings enough, because boy could I feel them, they were really tight. I even considered turning around to go back to the dock to stretch them, but I kept going.
My balance was pretty good today, I had no emergency braces at all. My stroke rate was medium, some where around 80, and I was just concentrating on technique. After about two laps of the lake, the call came from my coach, to turn around and see her. She said she was going to video me and observe my stroke. I told her to give me a few meters for the steam on my glasses to clear up. She said I didn't need to see.
So off we went down the lake. It never fails, the video camera always makes me nervous, and it sure showed. Then we stopped and discussed my areas of improvement. As usual, I am leaning too far back, and losing it at the catch. (Hamstrings too tight) I was going to slow with my rotation at the hips (Hamstrings too tight) and not enough slide. I was cycling too fast and not pausing for the setup. I need to slow down at the setup with a horizontal shaft, "before" putting the blade in for the catch.
This is why you have a coach. They are able to see where you cannot, the errors in your technique, and give you ways of correcting the problems.
After the video section I did two more laps and then headed in. It is good to see so many new faces to the club. Most of them are from the Tuesday night races in Deep Cove. Good job Chris and Gary for promoting the club. Next weekend I will back at the slough to train in K1.
I got to the lake early so I could set up my Thunder and get a good warm up and stretch. I did a short dryland warm-up of running in place, with high knees and wide stance, much the same as in P90X. Then I did all my stretches, especially working on the my legs, or so I thought.
There were so many boats that there was a line up to get out on the water. Once on my way down the lake, I realized that I did not in fact stretch my Hamstrings enough, because boy could I feel them, they were really tight. I even considered turning around to go back to the dock to stretch them, but I kept going.
My balance was pretty good today, I had no emergency braces at all. My stroke rate was medium, some where around 80, and I was just concentrating on technique. After about two laps of the lake, the call came from my coach, to turn around and see her. She said she was going to video me and observe my stroke. I told her to give me a few meters for the steam on my glasses to clear up. She said I didn't need to see.
So off we went down the lake. It never fails, the video camera always makes me nervous, and it sure showed. Then we stopped and discussed my areas of improvement. As usual, I am leaning too far back, and losing it at the catch. (Hamstrings too tight) I was going to slow with my rotation at the hips (Hamstrings too tight) and not enough slide. I was cycling too fast and not pausing for the setup. I need to slow down at the setup with a horizontal shaft, "before" putting the blade in for the catch.
This is why you have a coach. They are able to see where you cannot, the errors in your technique, and give you ways of correcting the problems.
After the video section I did two more laps and then headed in. It is good to see so many new faces to the club. Most of them are from the Tuesday night races in Deep Cove. Good job Chris and Gary for promoting the club. Next weekend I will back at the slough to train in K1.
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