I am a late forties kayak racer. My goal is to compete at the World Masters Games in Turin, Italy in 2013. I will be racing in ICF sprint kayaks. This blog will be my training diary for the next 4 yrs. I use a variety of running, weights, and cross training to hopefully become a better kayaker.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Masters Training Camp 2008

Here is the picture of the group, after the last workout session, and we were all cleaned up.

Back Row (l to r): myself, Steve, Ken, Dan, Joe

Front Row (l to r): Elaine, Pat, Susan

Missing: Meg, Charlie

Back in the Pool Again

Well after almost 2 weeks out of the pool, I thought I was going to just sink to the bottom of the pool and stay there. I was surprised that today's swim was a lot easier with the same workout ( 25m on / 25m off ) that I ended with two weeks ago.

In fact after the first 15 minutes, I started to push it a little. My exchanges are about the same. If I do not concentrate, I will end up with a mouth full of water. Which happened once this morning.

After listening to Dan this past week, all I hear now is “feel the glide”. Even when I am swimming, with my face in the water, in the back of my head is “feel the glide”. So I tried it with swimming as well. It seems to work. It certainly makes it easier to go the same speed as before.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Training Camp - Day Six AM

The last workout of the camp was a aerobic session with 6X 4 mins on / 2 mins off.

The whole session all I concentrated on was technique. All of the four points that Dan said I needed to focus on. So I did a slow stroke rate, with a delibrate focus on technique. Plant the balade and then rotate, not the other way around. It helped being in the V10 - Sport for this. Did not have to worry about balance, just concentrate on my stroke.

Now everything is packed up. Time to eat burgers. yee haa.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Training Camp - Day Five PM

We started our trip for VO2 max testing at Western Washington University in Bellingham a little after noon. As soon as we started to go it started snowing like crazy. I was wondering if we were going to make it. With Dan driving we arrived at WWU with no problems.

I was getting a little apprehensive about the testing. I did not know what to expect in terms of the difficultly in this test. I made sure that I did not go first, so I could see how it worked.
Elaine volunteered to go first. (thank you) , then Steve, Susan, and then myself. So I got to watch three tests before mine. It really help calm the nerves before I was suppose to go.

Well I got all hooked up to the analyzer, and the heart rate monitor. I got a plastic bag to put under my butt so I could slide better in the seat. It made a big difference. Well let me tell you, this test is not a easy one, by any means. We started at an easy stroke rate on the erg, and then upped it every 2 mins, while indicating the perceived difficultly level with each increase on a chart. (12 = easy / 20 = very hard)

With each increase it became harder and harder. If it wasn't for everyone cheering me on, i won't not have lasted as long as I did. I lasted 8:08 minutes before exploding. at the end it was all I could do just to keep paddling.

I managed to reach my VO2 max level. So now I have a base line and the proper numbers to use with a heart rate monitor for my training. Now all the training zones will have an accurate number to go by.

Training Camp - Day Five AM

This morning's talk was a review of what we had covered over the week.

The workout was suppose to be 9X 4 mins. on / 1 min. off, but it changed like the weather. The wind kicked up and the rain began to pour. I was in the CD Stratus again, because Dan was going to video us to see how we come since the start of the camp. so I wanted to make sure I didn't need to worry about balance, just concentrate on technique.

I was the first to be video taped. After that session, Dan changed the workout to a Fartlek workout. He said he would just pull aside each person to be video taped. After about 30 to 40 mins we were done, and gladly headed back to the boat house.

After we got dry clothes on, we reviewed all of the videos from the morning. Things I need to work on:

1.Fix blade angle – too open at the catch
2.Rotate more to get the paddle forward at the catch.
3.Blade buried all the way before rotating
4.Bring my elbow straight up.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Training Camp - Day Four PM

This afternoon we put what we learned this morning into practice. We made out our training plan for the coming season. It was a very exercise for us, as we filled out our plans with Dan's help.

The workout session was an all out anaerobic workout. 5X (45 sec. on / 5:15 min off) For this workout I used the big V10. I found this boat was a handful in the wind. The large front deck acted just like a sail, pulling the boat all over the place.

Training Camp - Day Four AM

Today's presentations were by far the best of the whole camp. It was all about training plans. What to have in them and how to organize them. We discussed training zones. What was incorporated in each zone, and workouts for each.

This mornings workout was a maximum aerobic session. 3X ( 4X 1 min. on / 15 sec. off) These were to be done at highest aerobic level without going anaerobic. the wind was blowing so Ii used the V10 sport again.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Extra Workout

Well I decided to use the elliptical machine here in the hotel. Did 2 sets of 20 mins each. I had never been on one so it was an experience. The whole time in the first set I was wondering how do I stop this thing. I managed to work it out.

Training Camp - Day Three PM

This afternoon workout was putting what we learned in class into action.

We paddle over to the Cedar river, which is right next door to the club. The river is about 10 - 15 meters wide where we were lining up for our turn at starting. We would go off one at a time. I was behind Ken in his Huki, and me in the Super Lancer.

My first two starts were ok. I was just trying to shake out the bugs and stop the jitters of a start. The third one nearly had me swimming. I am trying to use all the power I can on the first four strokes to get the boat to "pop" out of the water and get it up to speed as fast as possible.

Dan has noticed that my paddle as it hits the water is open way too much. The shaft is slipping in my hand. so it is rotating to a not so efficient angle. So after the session, I have taped a built up piece of tape to stop the shaft from rotating. I will get to test this modification tomorrow.

Training Camp - Day Three AM

This morning we went over wake riding.

I swtiched to the Epic V10 - Sport surf ski for the training session. This was a very good idea, because the waves were getting on the large size for a K1. We practiced in pairs, and then in groups of four.

My pairing was with Steve in his K1 Thunder. We did ok, but the waves was making it difficult for Steve. We switched it up for the groups of fours. All the surf skis together and the K1s / sea kayaks in the other.

We cruised very good together in the skis. Moving to each of the four positions in the diamond. It was a lot of fun. Looking forward to this afternoon's session on starts. I am going to switch back to my Super Lancer for these.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Training Camp - Day Two PM

This afternoon's workout was intervals. We paddled over to a marked out course on the other side of the lake. Our session was going to be 6X 500m. The first couple of sets was ok, but I felt I could do a little better. So third set I blasted off the start, it lasted about 100m, and then I was toast. So the last three sets were a struggle.

I was disappointed with how I performed. I should have concentrated more on technique than speed. Tomorrow I should be back in the Super Lancer. All in all, not my best day, but not my worst either.

Training Camp - Day Two AM

This morning was a bad start. I was not feeling very good and was thinking about not doing the morning session. I was all set to ride in the boat with Dan, but I managed to talk my self into going paddling. I decided that I would paddle something a little more stable. So Dan loaned me a Current Designs Stratus to use. It is a nice boat. It has a big cockpit, with lots of room for your knees.

We did a workout that consisted of 4X 8 mins on / 2 mins off. The first set was very hard, but with each new set, I stared to feel better. so by the end of the workout I was feeling ok.

It was a good decision to paddle this morning.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Training Camp - Day One PM

Back on to the water for the afternoon session.

This workout is going to be intervals. 3X 4mins on / 30 sec off 3 times.(4/30/4/30/4/30) The first session went ok. Maybe a little tippy due to the fact that I was bagging from the morning session. On the second set, Dan said everyone had to practice gliding the boat. We had to let the boat glide a little before taking the next stroke.

I did not too bad on this, but I could tell my balance was being to slip away from me. By the time we finished the second to last 4 min in the last set, I was done. For the last 4 min. set and the paddle back to the boat house , it was just a survival paddle. Just a little father to go, no need to swim back.

Tonight we are going for our Welcome dinner at the Dog and Pony pub. Yummy, greasy burgers here I come.

Training Camp - Day One AM

Well I arrive at the boathouse this morning just before 8am.

Met up with Dan and the rest of the Masters for the camp. We started off by introducing ourselves, and what our paddling history so to speak was.

There are seven people in the camp, with a wide variety of boats and skill levels. This will be a good group to train with.

Our first workout session was repeats, which comprised of 6X 6 mins. on / 2 mins off. During this time Dan was video taping everyone for analysis later in the day. I am still trying to get over my cold, so my pace was medium. Not that I could go any faster at this point.

After the training session, we went back to the boat house and got warm clothes on, ate our lunches and then Dan gave us a Forward Stroke presentation. Then we watched ourselves in the videos. I was impressed with my position in the boat. I am sitting a lot taller, and not slouched over. I have been working on this, so it is good to see it in action. Right now, I need to work on bringing my on side elbow up higher.

Time to get ready to go back on the water.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Travel Day

Well I made to trek to Renton today. It was sure raining hard for most of the way. At some points along the way you could not even see 10 meters in font of you. As I got closer to Renton, the rain eased off. Check out some of the hazards. I thought Burnaby Lake was a tough place to paddle.

I dropped off my boat at the boathouse, and checked out the area a little before going to my hotel. Boy did I ever luck out on the room. It is a big room, with a full kitchen. I went out to Safeway and bought groceries for my week long stay. So now I am all set. I am looking forward to starting tomorrow.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Product Testing - Energy Drink

Now the product test was another energy drink. This one was a mix. So I mixed it up with 12 oz. of water, instead of the 8 oz. as per the instructions. I was told by the person that gave it to me that the taste was not very good. In fact it was down right disgusting, that she could not drink it all. Well my impression was close to the same, it defiantly not very good tasting.

Today was a great day for testing energy drinks, because I had none. Same as when I tested the Monster drink. I took the drink 45 mins before my run. it took about 15 mins before it kicked in. It did raise my energy level no doubt, but it did not last very long. In my 2nd set I could feel it wearing off. So on a scale of 10, I rate this drink a 5.

Not Feeling Well Run

Today's run was not that great. First I have not been feeling well for a couple of days. I skipped Wednesday's swim, because I just did not have the energy to do it.

Second, the area around the casino, is a electronic Bermuda triangle of GPSs.
the casino must have some type of electronic blocking devices to prevent cheating. Every time I run by it,my GPS goes nuts. This time the second set was completely gone. Well not completely gone but just enough to piss me off.

Since I was not feeling well, just keeping the speed a did was a bit of a chore. Low 11s is not a very stellar speed for me at this point. But I did complete th whole session, which was good.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Running - Too Fast, Too Soon

Today's run started a little fast for how I was feeling. It wasn't long before my breathing was getting a little strained, so I knew I wasn't 100%. The pace was being set by Mig, who's breathing was sounding like mine.

I wanted to see how long we could hold this pace. After the second set, I decided that we should slow down to a more doable pace. This worked out good for me. I was able to work on technique at this speed. I still need to work on lower my shoulders and not being so scrunched up, and lengthening my neck out, to keep me relaxed as I run.

I also worked on looking as far ahead as I could, instead of looking at the ground three meters in front of me, and not leaning as I run.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Workout Schedule

Tough Swim

Today's swim was tough. It quickly turned into a slog after the second length. I guess I was tired from yesterday's paddle.

I did mange to continue from Friday's swim and do the same session again. 25m on / 25m off. So at least that part was good. Now I just need to keep working on extending the "on" to a longer distance.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Cold Steady Paddle

Today was cold. I would like to know where the heat went today. burr. I decided to make today's paddle a 4X 4000m steady pace session, instead of a straight 16m grind.

After each set, I would stop at the dock, get out and stretch. I would think about my technique, and then back in the boat for more.

I managed to keep the sets fair close in time. (26, 27, 25.5, 26.5) Which means I was close to keeping the pace steady. Not a quick pace just a steady one. Now with these times in my log, I can use them to measure my progress as the year goes on.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Milestone Swim

Today I became only half a spaz.

I actually made it for the whole 30 mins, doing the half and half workout. Half and half, meaning half my goofy frog swim and half the proper front crawl stroke.

When I started this morning I knew I could do at least 15 mins of this because I had done it on Wednesday. So off I went. By the time a got to the 15 min mark, I was getting bagged. So I just told myself, lets just try one more and see how it goes. Well I just kept telling myself that for the next 15 mins, and viola, done.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Cold Morning Run

Today's run was in the morning, because I had commitments after work. So I ran at 6am, in the dark, and I might add cold.

I started out OK, for the first two sets of 4 minute jog / 1 minute walk, but I went down hill after that. I just did not have the gas to go quicker. My times were definitely not very good, compared to my previous times. I was still going faster than on Tuesday,but I know I can go much faster. I should have been in the mid to high 12s.

Maybe it was the cold or just the time of day. My resting pulse was back to the normal level, so I was good to push it. Maybe it is the nutrition aspect of it. I was running without having breakfast first.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Swim Workout

Today I started to swim a minimum 25m, each length of 50m doing the front crawl. This way I am forcing myself to swim properly. I am taking in less water each session, but I am still taking in too much.

I am finding that swimming is the same idea as kayaking. You are putting in your hand (blade) as far forward as possible to get the maximum draw length. I have been rotating my torso to get my hand farther forward. Like paddling you are placing your hand in the water and trying to pull yourself past your hand.

Towards the end of my session, I started to hammer the last 15 to 20m in each length. I can breathe better when going faster. Go figure.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Running Workout

The run was really good today. (6X) 6 mins. Jog / 1 min.Walk, with the usual 5 mins warm up and cool down. The pace was easy and relaxing. Yes, you read that correctly relaxing. I missed two run workouts last week from work and family commitments, so this pace was good for me.

It gave me time to work on stride, and my breathing. As well as relaxing while I ran. Everything just seemed to click. I was actually gliding. Now I know how the top runners feel. If I could only do this at speed it would be great.

All this running is started to work for me in the boat. I can feel my endurance building. Which is the whole reason why I am doing all this running in the first place.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Training Schedules

Starting this week I will start posting my training schedule for the week. By having it posted at the beginning of the week. It will keep me on track as to my training. At the end of each week I will review what I have done and where I need to go for the next week.

Right now it looks kind of plain, but as the weeks go on, it will become more “interesting” Once surf ski racing www.deepcovekayak.com starts on Tuesday nights, there will be two training sessions on that day. As well on every second Thursday, when the Big Chop Series starts. www.bigchop.ca

More on these two great surf ski events in future posts.

Swim Training

This was one of those mornings were just did not what to do anything.

Got to the pool, and thought ugh! But at least I was there. The swim was a little on the slow side, and not the proper stroke that I should be learning.

At the 20 min mark, I was motivated enough to "race" the guy in the next lane. He was doing the proper stroke, and I was doing my "frog" imitation. It was a good race for about 30 meters, and I managed to beat him just at the end.

Hopefully Wednesday's swim will be much better.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Technique Paddle

Well today's workout was a technique session. I was just going to concentrate on my stroke and position in the boat.

As I started down the lake, I noticed that there was a lot of debris on the surface of the water.Leaves, sticks, and weeds, which in my observation were like magnets to the bow of my boat. About every 100 meters or so, i would have to rock my boat in order to get them off. Good thing I was working on technique and not speed.

After each 4 km loop, I would stop at th dock, get out of the boat, and stretch and think about what i was doing with my stoke. Was I putting my blade in vertical, and as far forward as I could by rotating. As i was rotating, was I pulling all the way through the stroke, and not just at the beginning.

I did 3 loops for a total of 12 kms. Next week I will be upping the distance to 16 kms, and the week after that, up to 20 kms. This will end up being the day before I leave for Dan's training camp in Washington. Which I am really looking forward to. I hope to learn a lot.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Getting a "Little" Better at Not Sinking

Well being Friday, I like to go a little harder before the weekend. So today in the pool I I conned myself into swimming the first 50m length, the proper way, and my frogy way back.

This went ok for the first half of my swim, but I could not keep it going. So I switched to just doing the proper stroke on the last 15 - 20m of each length, but at a really quick pace. This seemed to do the trick because I was bagged when I was finished. All in all, a good workout.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Swimming and Advice

Here I was swimming (if you call it that) and the coach for the swim club, comes over and asks me if Al was my brother. I said yes, and she starts giving me advice on my not spreading my legs when I roll to take a breathe. Which I thought, "hey this is cool"

So I took her advice and it sure did work. I did not slow down during my exchange. Which meant less water intake on my part. Which after almost up chucking at the side of the pool, is a good thing. I need all the help I can get.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Running and Lost Data

It was a good run. 6X 4 mins.jog / 1 min walk. At the 5th set, there was a problem with my GPS. It seemed to drop the signals from the satellites. I looked down at it, and it said I had gone only 280m. the other sets up until that time had been high 700s to low 800s. This I knew was wrong, but it sure deflated my bubble up to that point.

Here I thought I was cruising nicely Good stride, not too much pain, and then I looked at the GPS. The next set everything was back to normal. Go Figure. I have put up the averages for the missing information (in brackets) and the actual as per my GPS

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Technique Paddle

Today I decided to not do the training run, but instead paddle at the lake. The morning looked good, but by the time I got to the lake in the afternoon, it did not look too good. The water was ok, just it was cloudy and cold. I decided that I was going to continue from last week and just concentrate on technique, and getting used to the boat.

Everything went ok. By the end of the first 4 km loop, my thighs were stiff, so I decided to stop at the dock, and re-adjust my seat and stretch my legs. As I was stretching Lief showed up to paddle. I figured I could make another look before he was ready to paddle, so off I went. I was really paying attention to putting my blade in vertical and as far forward as I could rotate. Then I would power through the whole stroke.

As I got to the 250m platform before the dock I could see Lief getting his boat ready. I stopped and we chatted for a couple of minutes and then off he went. Well by the time I got turned around he had quite a lead on me. It took me , all the way to the 1000m platform to catch him. Once I caught him we stayed together for the remainder of the loop.

All in all, a good workout. Being March it is time to start increasing the amount of paddling I do. With Daylight savings time coming next week, this should help out.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

February Training Totals

Here are the training totals for February.

The first chart is the total minutes cross training in each area.

This is the zones chart. It shows how much time I have been spending in each training zone.

Each zone is a different percentage of effort:

Zone #1 = 60% Recovery Zone

Zone #2 = 70% of Max.

Zone #3 = 80% to 85% of Max.

Zone #4 = 90% of Max.

Zone #5 = 100% of Max.Speed